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Join Us

We welcome people from all walks of life. From budding actors or those who want to tick something off their bucket list. You don't have to deliver an 'Oscar' winning performance or sing like you should be on X-Factor, as long as you have time and energy to devote to learning a script, following direction and rehearsing, and know how to have fun, then we would love to hear from you.


If you don't want to appear on stage, light and sound engineers, stage hands, prop designers and costume makers will be gratefully received. 


The group usually produces a spring play and Pantomime in early December . We need all sorts of skills whether that be acting, stage management, set building, set painting, costume making, make-up, lighting, sound and just helping out with productions.


If you would like to join Frant Pantomime and Dramatic Society  then please click on the link below; print off and complete the form.

All of the information that you require is on the form.


Family membership is £25 pa

Adult membership is £15 pa

Child membership is £10 pa

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