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Frant Pantomime and Dramatic Society

Frant Pantomime and Dramatic Society aim to perform two shows a year. In early December we alternate between putting on a pantomime one year and a music hall the next. In the spring we produce a play, in recent years we have taken part in a farce, a murder mystery and a comedy thriller.


We are sometimes asked to take part in events which are not part of FPDS itself. We have put on musical events for local clubs and businesses both in the summer months and at Christmas. We previously sang carols at a local golf club on Christmas Eve which the participating members really enjoyed.


The group have to work on a small stage but, with the help of a grant from Wealden District Council in 2004, we made significant improvements to the stage including an increase in the height of the proscenium arch therefore improving the sound.


Our sets are designed and built by members of the society and everyone pitches in during the weekends before a show to ensure that the set designers’ vision comes to life.


Whilst we are primarily an amateur dramatic society we are also a social group. We have a number of social functions during the year and are a very friendly bunch and always welcome new members.

Our Members

We have a varied cast for each production. Some members have been with us for many years, some have joined only recently. Children are a big part of the Christmas pantos and come back each December, year after year, growing taller as they do! 


Meet our current members....



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